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 Green Prosperity: Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams -
A Manual for Changing the World.

Green Prosperity
Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams
A Manual for Changing the World
By Thomas J. Elpel

      Little actual work is required to provide for most human needs such as shelter, clothing, warmth, food, and water, and even new necessities, such as mobile phones and transportation.

      Technological advances allow progressively fewer workers to produce essential goods and services necessary for society to function. To distribute goods and services and maintain social cohesion, all other people must be employed in increasingly superfluous work to consume surplus abundance.

      Surplus time and idle hands represent a fundamental threat to society. The mechanism of control, subconsciously implemented throughout history, is to occupy people with meaningless work.

      As the total workforce required to sustain society approaches zero, progressively more people are employed to consume and dispose of wealth rather than produce it. Resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and poverty are artificially created as side effects of the effort to keep people busy pretending to work.

Knight in armor.

"A king could pay soldiers and staff with coins to buy basic goods without needing to produce tangible goods in exchange. In effect, money facilitated the transfer of goods and services from producers to non-producers."
      Due to population growth and technological development, unnecessary work now consumes our resource base at an unsustainable rate and threatens all life on earth.

      The solution? Quit your job. Green Prosperity is a guide to personally disengage from the cycle of destruction, outlining concrete steps to take control of your life and live your own Dreams.

      Author Thomas J. Elpel demonstrates how to join the ranks of the successfully unemployed, free to live off surplus abundance or re-engage and make a positive contribution.

      Green Prosperity outlines the path to achieve prosperity individually, as well as the road we must take to achieve sustainable prosperity for all. 6 x 9 inches. 340 pages. June 2018. ISBN: 978-1-892784-41-4. $30. Please scroll down to order.


Part I: The Prosperity Paradox
1-1. Green Prosperity: Quit your Job, Live your Dreams
1-2. Wealth Becomes Work: The History of Progress
1-3. Illusions: Industriously Pretending to Work
1-4. Hand-to-Hand: Redistributing Income to Consumers
1-5. Overshoot: Too Much of a Good Thing
1-6. Fool's Gold: Profiteering to the Poor House
1-7. No Sentient Life on Earth: Automatons at Work
1-8. Break Free From the Machine: Path of the Successfully Unemployed
1-9. Prosperity through Conservation: Negadollars and Opportunity Cost
1-10. Make it Happen: Exit Ramp Ahead

Transmission line.

"The more damage we do to the environment the more dependent we become on additional resource extraction and energy consumption."
Part II: The Nature of Wealth
2-1. Real Wealth: Taking Stock of our Capital
2-2. Calories: The Currency of All Economies
2-3. Abstractifcation: The Invention of Money
2-4. Frack This Planet: Whatever Happened to Peak Oil?
2-5. Too Many Jobs? Prosperity with Less Work
2-6. Everything is Free: The Past and Future of Abundance
2-7. Green Prosperity for All: Rethinking Surplus Abundance

Part III: Principles of Economic Ecology
3-1. The Economy as an Ecosystem: Spontaneous Organization
3-2. Matter and Energy: Industrial Metabolism and Thermodynamics
3-3. Substitutes for Everything: The Good and Bad of Expanding the Resource Pie
3-4. Infinite Food Supply: Rethinking the Food Energy Pyramid
3-5. Stimulating Succession: Birth of the Restoration Economy

Part IV: Tools To Work With
4-1. Materials to Work With: Open Niches in the Ecosystem
4-2. Creativity: Eliminating Obstacles to Your Dreams
4-3. Technology: Putting Calories to Work
4-4. Energy: Squeezing Useful Work from Every Calorie
4-5. Labor: Adding Caloric Value
4-6. Money: The Biggest Bang for the Buck
4-7. Credit: Calories to Start On

Part V: Turning Dreams into Reality
5-1. Freedom to Bloom: Transcending Invisible Walls
5-2. Crystalizing the Dream: Creating A Personal Vision
5-3. Testing Guidelines: Weeding out Non-Solutions
5-4. Management Cycle: Monitoring and Flexibility

Afterword: Global Warming: Can We Save Ourselves?
Notes & Bibliography:

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Green Prosperity: Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams.
Green Prosperity

Roadmap to Reality.
Roadmap to Reality

Living Homes.
Living Homes

Slipform Stone Masonry DVD.
Slipform Stone Masonry DVD

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Green Prosperity book cover.

      "You have been a tremendous inspiration to us. Your books, Money and Primitive Skills positively took ideas that had been running around in my head for years and tied them together for the foundation of my thinking. Without your books and ideas, I would still be trying to fit all my ideas and philosophies into one big picture. You've helped me get all those thoughts into goals, realistic goals, and I thank you."

--John Y.
Wausau, Wisconsin

      "For 24 years I have been helping to re-design perceptions and organizations, and I must say that your book is the absolute best economics teaching tool I have come accross and beleive me I have researched and experienced much."

--Peggy Zetler
Progressive Input
Dillon, Montana

Check out these articles related to Green Prosperity:


Wealth & Work

Escaping the Job Trap

      Looking for life-changing resources? Check out these books by Thomas J. Elpel:

Green Prosperity: Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams.
Roadmap to Reality: Consciousness, Worldviews, and the Blossoming of Human Spirit
to Reality
Living Homes: Stone Masonry, Log, and Strawbale Construction
Participating in Nature: Wilderness Survival and Primitive Living Skills.
in Nature
Foraging the Mountain West: Gourmet Edible Plants, Mushrooms, and Meat.
Foraging the
Mountain West
Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification
in a Day
Shanleya's Quest: A Botany Adventure for Kids

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